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Class mkdoxy::plugin::MkDoxy

ClassList > mkdoxy > plugin > MkDoxy

MkDocs plugin for generating documentation from Doxygen XML files.

Inherits the following classes: BasePlugin

Public Attributes

Type Name

Public Static Attributes

Type Name
tuple config_project = /* multi line expression */
tuple config_scheme = /* multi line expression */

Public Functions

Type Name
bool is_enabled (self self)
Checks if the plugin is enabled.
files.Files on_files (self self, files.Files files, base.Config config)
Called after files have been gathered by MkDocs.
str on_page_markdown (self self, str markdown, pages.Page page, base.Config config, files.Files files)
Generate snippets and append them to the markdown.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable debug


variable doxygen


variable generatorBase


Public Static Attributes Documentation

variable config_project

tuple mkdoxy.plugin.MkDoxy::config_project;

variable config_scheme

tuple mkdoxy.plugin.MkDoxy::config_scheme;

Public Functions Documentation

function is_enabled

Checks if the plugin is enabled.

bool mkdoxy::plugin::MkDoxy::is_enabled (
    self self


(bool) True if the plugin is enabled.

function on_files

Called after files have been gathered by MkDocs.

files.Files mkdoxy::plugin::MkDoxy::on_files (
    self self,
    files.Files files,
    base.Config config


  • files (Files) The files gathered by MkDocs.
  • config (Config) The global configuration object.

(Files) The files gathered by MkDocs.

function on_page_markdown

Generate snippets and append them to the markdown.

str mkdoxy::plugin::MkDoxy::on_page_markdown (
    self self,
    str markdown,
    pages.Page page,
    base.Config config,
    files.Files files


  • markdown (str): The markdown.
  • page (Page): The MkDocs page.
  • config (Config): The MkDocs config.
  • files (Files): The MkDocs files.

(str) The markdown.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file mkdoxy/